Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Future Belongs to the Inept

The funniest thing about Mike Judge's cult film Idocracy may also be the saddest. The film predicts a future wherein ineptitude has taken the place of common sense and reasoning. Sound familiar? optimism has had its time and now pesimism reigns supreme and how could it not. Is a society that feeds it's plants sports drinks really any more ludicrous than a society that believes a family planning clinic shooting is an act of God? It's a frightening thought to dwell upon when you take into account the number of leaders both running and currently in some form of office that are willing to defend ideals that of any Tom, Dick, or Harry would find ludicrous with just a pinch of common sense brought to the table. 
When does satire stop being satire? When the jokes it makes end up a reality, and we are left with a grim déjà vu. The collective consciousness will smugly turn to our gaze and ever so softly exclaim "I told you so..."

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